Hello New Eden

Thanks for stopping by, This blog is Eve online as seen through the eyes of characters Violet Aeon and Elanore Wansmore. If this is not your thing please drive thru ;) if you like character driven storylines then please stay!
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I collect Frozen Corpses
Hit me up New Eden. lets talk.
Saving New Eden from a Zombie Apocalypse one frozen corpse at a time.

Friday, April 25, 2014


From: Elanore Wansmore
Sent: 2014.04.26 01:47
To: Violet Aeon,

I cant seem to find anyone and i am jus sitting in my room and I want to go do something and jenn said she made some blue pill and I can hgave some but I forgot whare she said she put it for me and now I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.
Re: withdraws
From: Violet Aeon
Sent: 2014.04.26 01:49
To: Elanore Wansmore,

This is very distracting I am busy harvesting Ice for Chris, there is word of possible gankers and it is Hi sec competition and I need to stay focused. And how is this Jenn's fault?
Re: Re: withdraws
From: Elanore Wansmore
Sent: 2014.04.26 01:50
To: Violet Aeon,

well I never said it is Jenn's fault did I. u dont even give a shit about me anymore and I am not having fun rite now an I need something and u are not helping
Re: Re: Re: withdraws
From: Violet Aeon
Sent: 2014.04.26 01:52
To: Elanore Wansmore,

deal with it Ela. this is your problem
Re: Re: Re: Re: withdraws
From: Elanore Wansmore
Sent: 2014.04.26 01:57
To: Violet Aeon,

well I am sik of this you dont care and it is your problem too I am not happy at all!

an I am sweating cold an i hav shaking hands an I need u an u are not there for me. u have connections all over space an u need to help me here. Pleeeeze Vi?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: withdraws
From: Violet Aeon
Sent: 2014.04.26 01:58
To: Elanore Wansmore,

you need to just chill for a while Ela
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: withdraws
From: Elanore Wansmore
Sent: 2014.04.26 02:02
To: Violet Aeon,

I cant jus chill here! mmmm. pleeze. I am doing so good an I am shooting stuff for corp and other things an all I want is wat i can't find and i know it's here somewhere. an the crash is almost gone again too an I lost some of it wen I lost my last raven. It jus helps me think an focus and i am jus sitting in my room trying to find people and some and omg omg :(

A few hours later: