Hello New Eden

Thanks for stopping by, This blog is Eve online as seen through the eyes of characters Violet Aeon and Elanore Wansmore. If this is not your thing please drive thru ;) if you like character driven storylines then please stay!
If you found your way here because you are already in New Eden then fly safe o7.
If you found your way here because you have an interest in Eve online then thats cool too! If to join all that Eve has to offer then you didn't come to the right place ;)
But check out the link below my profile pic and it'll take you there. See you in space!

P.S. If you click my name on the header above it will take you to the most recent post if you are not already on the home page.

I collect Frozen Corpses
Hit me up New Eden. lets talk.
Saving New Eden from a Zombie Apocalypse one frozen corpse at a time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cue the scary music...

Scary ambient music cues, beginning with a distant echoing boom it increases in intensity as a lone darkly painted Catalyst with a foreboding name enters system

Local ###### (name of system obscured for security reasons)
Elanore Wansmore > anyone know where I can get a hot bath and a good bottle of whisky in this system?

The lighthearted local chatter goes silent. Ships scatter. some dock while others leave the system entirely. The dark ship Docks at one of the lesser used stations and she emerges from her ship. She is dressed black as night and seems to almost fade into existence as she leaves her ship.
At a run down pub on one of the lower level concourses a shaky handed bartender serves up a bottle. An elongated shadow moves eerily around the floor as she pulls the drink close. The few patrons, with no quick movements, nervously fan away from her, all the while keeping a wary eye.
A thin, older man, pulls his lady close to him and looks at the dark woman at the corner of the bar. He jerks slightly as she notices his gaze. There is a fear in his voice "Ma'am, we don't want any trouble here, please."
Peering sideways through her tresses she smiles slightly and looks at her empty glass. She pours another round and sets the bottle back on the bar. The shadow of her arms movement passes over the mans face as his visibly scared partner holds him closer and turns away.

Elanore Wansmore > then I will advise not making any.