I have my operations set up in a variety of places to get what Ice is needed when it is needed. but the last few days has been tough finding a good spot for this new variety. Tonights little dilemma looked like this!. (See pic below) Whew, I am glad I am a generally happy pilot because these last few days of "if it can go wrong it will" adversity stuff is getting tiring on me. Well, I think I am a happy pilot. :(
I did run into a good group of miners tho who fleeted me and gave me a boost for the short time we had in the field. Kudos to you!
In half jest, in local, right after I was surrounded by the skiffs, I mentioned that right now would be a perfect time for a swarm of smart bombs.
Maybe he took me serious, probably not, he pm'd me and said smart bombs had been tried before. Then offered me 246 blocks of Ice for free when I dock up in station. Idk, of course I took the ice, you think me teched in the brain? Don't answer that.
Oh I am sure it was all business. but I did feel after I got my "snack" like he jus petted me on the head and said "Now run along little kitty there is work to be done here." I felt sort of puny right about then. He didn't really say that of course but, well, you know.
it's all good.
I am pretty sure I haven't found my home yet for this variety.