Hello New Eden

Thanks for stopping by, This blog is Eve online as seen through the eyes of characters Violet Aeon and Elanore Wansmore. If this is not your thing please drive thru ;) if you like character driven storylines then please stay!
If you found your way here because you are already in New Eden then fly safe o7.
If you found your way here because you have an interest in Eve online then thats cool too! If to join all that Eve has to offer then you didn't come to the right place ;)
But check out the link below my profile pic and it'll take you there. See you in space!

P.S. If you click my name on the header above it will take you to the most recent post if you are not already on the home page.

I collect Frozen Corpses
Hit me up New Eden. lets talk.
Saving New Eden from a Zombie Apocalypse one frozen corpse at a time.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

FANFEST 2014 live feed link :)

Fanfest live feed link click HERE!

Elanore Wansmore > LOL you are silly! you think they don't alreddy have that link!?
Violet Aeon > Some may not. so what? We provide an important service here :)
Elanore Wansmore > wait, I alreddy said you are silly right?
Violet Aeon > whatever
Elanore Wansmore > whoa, step back. Bitch alert
Violet Aeon > facepalm
Elanore Wansmore > I am listening to it now. these people sure ask a lot of boring teknical questions
Violet Aeon > I agree! information overload! migrane
Elanore Wansmore > i can think of some i woud ask
Violet Aeon > what would u ask?
Elanore Wansmore > I woud ask when we can walk up to someone in station an slap them for being a troll dumbass?
Violet Aeon > YES!
Violet Aeon > or wait, I would ask why they thought it necessary to recently make frozen corpses modest. I mean, who would ever have perfectly placed shards of clothing over them every time they get sploded an killed!?
Elanore Wansmore > I feel ya!
Violet Aeon > you are changing the subject.
Violet Aeon > ;)
Elanore Wansmore > haha, and that is another thing.
Violet Aeon > what is?
Elanore Wansmore > umm...
Violet Aeon > hello?
Elanore Wansmore > sometimes u are dingy.
Violet Aeon > ignoring now.
Violet Aeon > ok, I know what else I would ask.
Elanore Wansmore > wat?
Violet Aeon > I wanna know when we will be able to burn holes into hulls with strip miners? I mean, they wanna solve the bot problem once and for all then let us steal ore from them right out of their ore hold. Mining their ships :)
Elanore Wansmore > I can dig that reely.
Violet Aeon > lol
Elanore Wansmore > but I am glad I am not all tekkie.
Violet Aeon > I am shiny!
Elanore Wansmore > I am wearing shades baby!
Violet Aeon > you better :)