Hello New Eden

Thanks for stopping by, This blog is Eve online as seen through the eyes of characters Violet Aeon and Elanore Wansmore. If this is not your thing please drive thru ;) if you like character driven storylines then please stay!
If you found your way here because you are already in New Eden then fly safe o7.
If you found your way here because you have an interest in Eve online then thats cool too! If to join all that Eve has to offer then you didn't come to the right place ;)
But check out the link below my profile pic and it'll take you there. See you in space!

P.S. If you click my name on the header above it will take you to the most recent post if you are not already on the home page.

I collect Frozen Corpses
Hit me up New Eden. lets talk.
Saving New Eden from a Zombie Apocalypse one frozen corpse at a time.

Monday, June 30, 2014

We survived our own vacation!

Somehow that sort of surprises me we didn't wake up dead a number of times. but I am sure we will find plenty of opportunities for that once we get back into space.

Where's the keys to my ship!

WTF Vi, You hid my keys from me an u can't find yours either?!

shush, and help me look.

omg :p

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ela and I are on vacation :)

In case u wonder where we are we are on vacation for almost a couple weeks from the date of this post.
yep, gonna hit the cabin, an do....nothing ;

that isn't entirely true Vi

what do you mean Ela

I mean I plan on doing lots of things. Lik hitting the beach at the equator and some hiking in the mtns up north.

:) sounds good, especially the beach part right about now

Tiki Hut !!!

YES !! cocktails an bikinis !

We deserve this Vi

I kno. We do :)

We got fun stuff?

We got wine. we should stock up on the rest,

1st thing I am gonna do Vi wen I get there is jus run around in my underwear. because I can

lol okee :)

I will make a couple stops

righto, go ahead, tell me wen u are close I will start the grill

ok :)

C U soon Vi

C U Soon Ela

An We are outa here!

With sincerity, Violet and Elanore

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Brad in System

As far as Neuts go I think Brad is prolly a decent one. As Far as neuts go that is. I still would not trust him as far as I could throw him but I don't think he's an asshat. Jus a little lost is all. Maybe some day he will see the light.

Brad kept entering system yesterday for a while:

Local chat. system #######

Kane Huren > back so soon?
Kane Huren > You must love us
Elanore Wansmore > pull up a barstool an jus hang for a while. so long as you buy a round that is
Brad Sather > i do love you guys. even if it's not mutual.
Elanore Wansmore > I am alreddy taken
Elanore Wansmore > ;)
Brad Sather > well that sucks
Frammasch Durin > the best ones are always taken
Brad Sather > indeed

Elanore Wansmore > i shoud seriously have Vi jus buy the trit, this mining stuff is for the birds
Elanore Wansmore > i know i been bad when violet won't even pay for stuff for me. :(
Elanore Wansmore > woops,
Elanore Wansmore > well there is some free intel for u Brad :p

(moments later)
Brad Sather > im landing on your retreiver Ela
(warps away)
Elanore Wansmore > yeah, thats why i left
Brad Sather > i wasnt gonna do anything
Elanore Wansmore > Seemed jus a little creepy to me
Brad Sather > :(
Brad Sather > aww
Brad Sather > sorry
Elanore Wansmore > you don't have a good enuf record with me yet to trust u lik that
Brad Sather > will leave
Brad Sather > tootles gys
Frammasch Durin > o7

Brad Enters system yet again:

Elanore Wansmore > If I needed a ride sometime to hi sec an u saw me along the road would u ablige an shoot me a pod express sometime Brad?
Brad Sather > i couldnt do that
Elanore Wansmore > but thats how I like to travel
Brad Sather > what about self destruct
Elanore Wansmore > that is not as exciting
Brad Sather > that way i don't have a false kill mail
Elanore Wansmore > i do that all the time too wen I can't find someone
Brad Sather > ♥
Elanore Wansmore > kill mail has falsies?
McZerg > lol
Elanore Wansmore > how can u tell, they a little stiffer than natural?
Elanore Wansmore > not quite as cushy
McZerg > i have no idea
McZerg > lol
Elanore Wansmore > I was asking Brad, but I didn't know he was alreddy gone
Elanore Wansmore > I think he got embarressed an left

I Bet you didn't know Brad is an Author

yeah, but back to not trusting. I don't think he's a creeper. jus a little shady. I will be keeping my eye on this one ;)


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Here we go again...

Violet Aeon> nice system Ela, there's no station
Elanore Wansmore > whoops :)
Violet Aeon > next system over
Elanore Wansmore > got it, c u there

EVE System > Channel changed to Local : #########

Violet Aeon > 1st station in list
Elanore Wansmore > k
Violet Aeon > \o
Elanore Wansmore > \o
Elanore Wansmore > you got evrything?
Violet Aeon > unfortunately
Elanore Wansmore > trade?
Violet Aeon > k
Elanore Wansmore > wheres the fits and the boosters?
Violet Aeon > everything is in it's cargo hold

Violet Aeon > happy?
Elanore Wansmore > you hav another ready to go?
Violet Aeon > yup
Elanore Wansmore > ok thx
Violet Aeon > bring me the corpses
Elanore Wansmore > u know I will :)
Violet Aeon > ♫ ♫ ♪ ♥
Elanore Wansmore > ˙·٠•●♥●•٠·˙

***A Little While Later***

knock knock knock

Violet Aeon > wat? who is it.
Elanore Wansmore > Ela
Violet Aeon > hold on
Violet Aeon > Hey I thot you were going to go out an.....Wow, hotness. :) What are you all...
Elanore Wansmore > I um... Gonna be needing that other ship sooner than I thought.
Violet Aeon > Huh?
Elanore Wansmore > yeah, can I come in?
violet Aeon > yeah
Violet Aeon > what happened?
Elanore Wansmore > I sort of ,um,well it sort of exploded 30 seconds out of station.
Violet Aeon> hmmm
Elanore Wansmore >you kno the old Earth story of Bonnie and Clyde? How they died in a ambush of machine guns? I think I know how Bonnie felt the last few seconds of her life.
Violet Aeon > oh
Elanore Wansmore > there was a LOT of them
Violet Aeon > I am sure
Elanore Wansmore > Don't get mad
Violet Aeon > I'm not. bought 2 already anyway. jus go the other way next time ok?
Elanore Wansmore > yep
Elanore Wansmore > say, can I jus hang here for a while
Violet Aeon > of course

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Good morning sunshine! flash boom poof....

Local system %%%%%% channel
About 10 in system. At this belt there are 2 miners so I pull up behind one of them jus to watch their reaction.
(moves in with overdrive, slows and creeps to a stop just behind a ship.)
? no reaction? hmmm. So I speek up in local to the other miner at the same belt.
Elanore Wansmore > \o
Sarus Asuri > o/
Elanore Wansmore > new eden seem slow tonite
Sarus Asuri > always slow at this time

(Stops momentarily and wonders to self.)
(A quick little bump to Oleg's ship)

Elanore Wansmore > u think Oleg is awake? lol
Sarus Asuri > nope
Sarus Asuri > haha
Elanore Wansmore > he a friend of yours?
Sarus Asuri > nope
Elanore Wansmore > well then...

(begin overheating guns)

Elanore Wansmore > my um, cohort, is miner
Sarus Asuri > hahahaha
Elanore Wansmore > :)

(fire all guns, boom boom boomidy boom.
Concord arrives more boom boom,
Lots of pretty flashes all around, Oleg goes all red and then a reely big flash,
a split moments another big flash an my ship is dead
I split the scene and hole up at a planet)

Elanore Wansmore > oh shit lol
Sarus Asuri > ?
Elanore Wansmore > i didn't pop him
Sarus Asuri > yeah you did
Sarus Asuri > not his pod though
Sarus Asuri > if that's what you mean
Elanore Wansmore > oh well it isn't in my combat log (read on)
Elanore Wansmore > ok, well thats cool then lol
Elanore Wansmore > i will send the mail to him then

(Sarus verifys visually)
Sarus Asuri > yeah he dead
Elanore Wansmore > the signature "good morning sunshine"
Sarus Asuri > yupm shouldnt be sleeping
Sarus Asuri > haha
Elanore Wansmore > they send me nasty replies wen they wake up
Sarus Asuri > i'm sure
Elanore Wansmore > have at the salvage and loot if u lik
Elanore Wansmore > especially the drones, they obviously need a good home
Sarus Asuri > haha
Elanore Wansmore > oh duh, I was looking at my losses. there he is
Sarus Asuri > well there's your problem
Sarus Asuri > haha
Elanore Wansmore > mail sent. he will get it wen he wakes up
Sarus Asuri > awesome
Sarus Asuri > concord is still swarming over here
Elanore Wansmore > yeah, I won't be coming by there too soon
Sarus Asuri > haha
Elanore Wansmore > u shud get me a pic :)
Sarus Asuri > well hell, i said swarming
Sarus Asuri > there's only 3 here now
Sarus Asuri > haha
Elanore Wansmore > uh oh, better move locations :)
Sarus Asuri > Haha
Sarus Asuri > i want to see if oleg comes back
Sarus Asuri > probably not
Elanore Wansmore > did his pod fly off?
Sarus Asuri > yep
Elanore Wansmore > well how rude not responding to my mail
Sarus Asuri > no kidding
Sarus Asuri > hate rude people
Elanore Wansmore > yep


Elanore Wansmore > yay timer is done
Sarus Asuri > woot

(warps to station an docks up)

Elanore Wansmore > well I am docking up and jumping back home
Sarus Asuri > dont hurt yourself
Sarus Asuri > haha
Elanore Wansmore > lol
Elanore Wansmore > u get a pass if i evr see u in Null sec mining. jus ask for help with rats I will be there if in the area
Sarus Asuri > 40 seconds till my timer is up
Sarus Asuri > haha thanks
Sarus Asuri > i didnt steal no mining equipment out of olegs wreck
Sarus Asuri > never would do that
Elanore Wansmore > just take my stuff then
Elanore Wansmore > if anything survived
Sarus Asuri > looks like some ammo
Elanore Wansmore > how lame
Sarus Asuri > a few turrets
Elanore Wansmore > concord shud better place their shots
Sarus Asuri > haha
Elanore Wansmore > well hav a good one. If Oleg replies to my mail I will fwd it to u jus for kicks

(jump Clone....and...out)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cue the scary music...

Scary ambient music cues, beginning with a distant echoing boom it increases in intensity as a lone darkly painted Catalyst with a foreboding name enters system

Local ###### (name of system obscured for security reasons)
Elanore Wansmore > anyone know where I can get a hot bath and a good bottle of whisky in this system?

The lighthearted local chatter goes silent. Ships scatter. some dock while others leave the system entirely. The dark ship Docks at one of the lesser used stations and she emerges from her ship. She is dressed black as night and seems to almost fade into existence as she leaves her ship.
At a run down pub on one of the lower level concourses a shaky handed bartender serves up a bottle. An elongated shadow moves eerily around the floor as she pulls the drink close. The few patrons, with no quick movements, nervously fan away from her, all the while keeping a wary eye.
A thin, older man, pulls his lady close to him and looks at the dark woman at the corner of the bar. He jerks slightly as she notices his gaze. There is a fear in his voice "Ma'am, we don't want any trouble here, please."
Peering sideways through her tresses she smiles slightly and looks at her empty glass. She pours another round and sets the bottle back on the bar. The shadow of her arms movement passes over the mans face as his visibly scared partner holds him closer and turns away.

Elanore Wansmore > then I will advise not making any.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Pretty Deadly (of Gunships and Dresses)

Violet Aeon > I feel like I am doing very bad things.
Elanore Wansmore > u aren't pulling the trigger so it is ok.
Violet Aeon > hmmm
Violet Aeon > well, you look nice
Elanore Wansmore > thankyou
Violet Aeon > wait, where did you get the new dress? how?
Elanore Wansmore > Khalia Tho'relia got it for me :)
Violet Aeon > oh she did did she?
Elanore Wansmore > yeah, that was nice huh?
Elanore Wansmore > :)
Elanore Wansmore > Vi ?
Violet Aeon > Maybe sometime, when I am not working to make isk, and buying ships that are going to definitely explode,and fitting them, an delivering them...maybe when I can keep my own isk...jus maybe then I will buy myself a few nice things too again.
Elanore Wansmore > Vi, are u ok?
Violet Aeon > (sigh), I am tired. I need a shower, I need to sleep. That's all.
Elanore Wansmore > I don't, I mean I don't mean tooo...
Violet Aeon > Don't, it's ok.
Violet Aeon > oh, here's the skill books too.
Elanore Wansmore > um, thankyou?
Violet Aeon > I need to rest now ok?
Elanore Wansmore > you want me to...
Violet Aeon > Ela, go finish fitting your ships. Go get 'em huh?
Elanore Wansmore > Well I'll...
Violet Aeon > It's fine, just go, ok?
Elanore Wansmore > ok. Thankyou Vi.
Violet Aeon > goodnight
Elanore Wansmore > goodnight

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Well Ela had a bit of fun today.

Elanore ansmore > Let me tell it Vi
Violet Aeon > Go for it
Elanore Wansmore > Well I was there u weren't
Violet Aeon > lol Settle down and go.
Elanore Wansmore > k ;)

Cyno Gate!!!!
So in corp today jenn opened a couple Cyno gates for reasons I will not divulge here cause I am security conscious like that :)
How VERY COOL!!! I only ever saw one before and it was jus because I was accidentally somewhere else in null when it happened. but it was in the distance. This was RITE HERE!
But anyway, while the other corp members were doing their important stuff to prep and use it I was, um ,...well, playing in it.
seriously I hav no idea wat I am doing so far with the likes of that so I thot my best thing to do was jus take pics and learn.
So I went swimming in it :)

In this 1st pic Jenn had jus opened the 1st cyno of the evening (Cynosural Field)<<-- see this is an educational site ;)

Hmmm, I hav an idea.

Going to go swimming in a space tie die!


Elanore Wansmore > That was fun!
Violet Aeon > Real educational there
Elanore Wansmore > Hey! I was playing the photog. I shud hav fun anyway.
Violet Aeon > ok I'm down with that
Elanore Wansmore > Swimming in psychedelic space living tie die :)
Violet Aeon > I bet
Elanore Wansmore > wink wink
Violet Aeon > heehee


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Elanore is a Rabid Teddy Bear

Crow McCaw found the best description in 3 words I ever heard for Ela!

Violet Aeon > I find that with Ela it is more fun to be in places they don't like u
Katsu Masanori > most of us here don`t want to be permanently out in null
Elfi Wolfe > I rarely like visiting null.. tired of dodge camps.
Elfi Wolfe > um I mean. "tired of dodging camps."
Katsu Masanori > Ela is sort of a baddie, but a great hearted one
Crow McCaw > like a rabid teddy bear
Katsu Masanori > LOL
Weichei McQuienn > or a "Drop Bear"
Violet Aeon > Crow McCaw lol
Violet Aeon > that's the best description I have EVER heard for Ela.