Hello New Eden

Thanks for stopping by, This blog is Eve online as seen through the eyes of characters Violet Aeon and Elanore Wansmore. If this is not your thing please drive thru ;) if you like character driven storylines then please stay!
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P.S. If you click my name on the header above it will take you to the most recent post if you are not already on the home page.

I collect Frozen Corpses
Hit me up New Eden. lets talk.
Saving New Eden from a Zombie Apocalypse one frozen corpse at a time.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Elanores New Nightwing Drake. Update #1

Chris Goh is moving Elanore's drake to a system in hi sec that I can go ahead and get it fitted up and to her for a run to Null. Elanore is of course wardecked so this should work better and safer this way until it's time for the final run. Since no one want s to shoot me...right? Well, at least not some random pilot with a war vendetta ;)

Side note: what a high maintenance one she is lol. Ok, she's still asleep. ssshhh

Continuing on. I picked up the ship In Avele and am moving it to Jita where I am pretty sure we can find all the fits required. Or at least versions of them that she can currently utilize while other more advanced training continues.

Violet Aeon > k 5 jumps to jita, aft it is fit and moved to "(Insert super secret system here)" then what?
Chris Goh > i will move it down to null after you reach "(Insert super secret system here)"
Violet Aeon > k
Mira Diavolo > peut-etre quil naime que le lard?
Violet Aeon > I am going to get it painted while in Jita
Chris Goh > pink?
Chris Goh > nice
Mira Diavolo > do not let her paint it
Sumela Allas-Rui > paint it violet
Chris Goh > it's her ship
Chris Goh > i am just a courier
Sumela Allas-Rui > haha
Mira Diavolo > sigh.. pink and lime green
Sumela Allas-Rui > rofl
Sumela Allas-Rui > with yellow trim
Chris Goh > with a big smiley face
Mira Diavolo > see that thing for light years
Sumela Allas-Rui > thats the point haha
Violet Aeon > gifler le bacon à elle
Mira Diavolo > not if it's a combat ship
Sumela Allas-Rui > see they will be to busy going what the and laughing tell she blows them up
Chris Goh > so that's the plan...
Sumela Allas-Rui > besides after seeing elanores picture after going to war. I am sure glad she is on my side
Mira Diavolo > LOL Violet Aeon
Violet Aeon > neon hot pink with blood red launchers and a big sign that says death stripper
Sumela Allas-Rui > rofl
Chris Goh > blood red like a lipstick?
Mira Diavolo > elle est a moi!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sumela Allas-Rui > or the blood of her enemies
Violet Aeon > lipstick or just blood, they can try to translate the meaning in between hits
Chris Goh > lol
Chris Goh > good plan
Violet Aeon > ce qui est moi?
Mira Diavolo > peut-etre que

Nudges Elanore

Elanore Wansmore > <---this one really needs to get some focus Elanore Wansmore > get off my keyboard Vi
Violet Aeon > stop talking up the whole couch.
