So some slut with a bar tan in local, my local, not hers. has the gall to call me fat?
look in the mirror babe ;)
Collectives > Violet Aeon your fat
Violet Aeon > ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ ;)
None Smith > hell yeah, she's got some junk in the trunk
None Smith > i'd get on that space ship and fly it
Violet Aeon > collectives is no skinny skank
None Smith > coughs
None Smith > yeah she's got some great... eyes
Violet Aeon > eh, implants. cheap as hell in Jita
None Smith > fake or no, they're fun to look at
Violet Aeon > i see she's left system already. probably with her panties in a wad in her purse
None Smith > mmmmm, classy
Violet Aeon > definitely has a bar tan too
None Smith > no tramp stamp... damn
Violet Aeon > they should offer those in the tats selection
None Smith > lol