[Ela was in the right place for the wrong reasons, A CODE ganker turns her tables and she becomes the good pilot talk of the town.]
So I was just in a weird feeling (see the previous post and this will all make more sense :)And yesterday when all that went down with Vi dying and all my ships losses. my brain was num. So I was in a system to maybe do bad things. idk didn't reely feel like that either.
I was mostly jus in a haze. I was jumping around the system to planets and belts and there were some rats on me in one of them. so I started shooting at them. I noticed there already other wrecks so I just kept shooting. I gess I made this person in the Atron mad because I think they thot this was sort of their own rats or something. Either that or they are unstable in the brain somhow. so they bumped me and left.
My catalyst was totally fit for ganking an I was jus shooting rats. SO he left and I was sort of on cruise control and I was looting all the wrecks, I reely didn't care whos they were. but then this guy comes back and is in a Catalyst and I saw it was that same Piz guy so I started overheating. So he locks me and starts shooting so I look up an say like wtf?
My guns were grouped already so I killed him rite off POOF before even Concord got there.
Then I noticed local channel start to light up with all the woots and congrats :)
EVE System > LOCAL
Spyder John > Elanore Wansmore did you get a killmail?
Spyder John > Elanore Wansmore good job !
Spyder John > https://zkillboard.com/kill/39971653/
Margrethe Vestager > nice
Grandiosa > gj! :D
Carmad666 > nice job Elanore Wansmore
Elanore Wansmore > :)
Elanore Wansmore >
Kill: Piz Caldera (Catalyst)
Spyder John > Got 10% of his ship value sent to you !
Elanore Wansmore > awesome
Ailise Zooey > Good Work Elanore =)
Elanore Wansmore > wow, it feels good to be good sometimes
Spyder John > Plus I put over 5M on his bounty since he has been ganking here
Carmad666 > Elanore Wansmore I got the loot from the ship if you want it.
Elanore Wansmore > keep it
Spyder John > Elanore Wansmore o7
Ailise Zooey > Elanore Wansmore 07
Elanore Wansmore > I am not always a nice pilot but my main is a miner :)
Kia Lafemme2 > how did you catch him?
Spyder John > probably bought a kill right on him
Kia Lafemme2 > Does kill right not make him suspect and not criminal?
Elanore Wansmore > I jus pissed him off by going for his rats and he came an tryed to kill me
Kia Lafemme2 > lol
Spyder John > sweet
Elanore Wansmore > not happening today
Carmad666 > he's not very bright, that piz guy, lol
Spyder John > he got ganked
Hotpants Boxfeldt > Piz is not a good ganker, but he is our little ganker :)
Spyder John > he got cocky on his easy kills
Spyder John > thought he was a pvp'er
Ailise Zooey > lol hotpants =D
Steinbauch Jenkins > was an elve
Elanore Wansmore > some of us nul residents are nice sometimes ;)
Steinbauch Jenkins > ganking is elveswork
Carmad666 > think I'll fit a ship with his gunz and ammo and go after him with it, lol
Elanore Wansmore > lol
Spyder John > lol
Hotpants Boxfeldt > :)
Elanore Wansmore > i jus noticed he is CODE lol
Steinbauch Jenkins > jo, kill the elves
Elanore Wansmore > you guys hav a great day. I am going to meet corpies for a low sec raid.
Spyder John > Elanore Wansmore fly safe
Elanore Wansmore > o7
mikkel2405 > have a nice evening