Jack Sorion is prolly one of two things. Either a little man with no real world experience yet. Or, and most likely. He's a 50-ish fat plumber with brown teeth and drool on his Chin at all times. His shirt sleeve has nasty week old stains on it from constantly wiping that same drool from his mouth so he can save it for later. He has an enormous beer belly and his ass crack hangs out so far the women that do come in contact with him are so disgusted by his presence that after they fakely smile to him, (which he perceives as real), they laugh with their friends about him in another room. After they go puke of course.
If he does have a girlfriend most likely she is blind, deaf, and has no sense of smell. Most likely tho she used to be inflatable. But she isn't any more so he just cut a slit in her back and fills her up with dirty clothes and yellow stained socks.
just saying...
Have a great day!