Hello New Eden

Thanks for stopping by, This blog is Eve online as seen through the eyes of characters Violet Aeon and Elanore Wansmore. If this is not your thing please drive thru ;) if you like character driven storylines then please stay!
If you found your way here because you are already in New Eden then fly safe o7.
If you found your way here because you have an interest in Eve online then thats cool too! If to join all that Eve has to offer then you didn't come to the right place ;)
But check out the link below my profile pic and it'll take you there. See you in space!

P.S. If you click my name on the header above it will take you to the most recent post if you are not already on the home page.

I collect Frozen Corpses
Hit me up New Eden. lets talk.
Saving New Eden from a Zombie Apocalypse one frozen corpse at a time.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Violet? I lost another raven.

Elanore Wansmore > Violet
Violet Aeon > ?
Elanore Wansmore > I need to borrow isk
Violet Aeon > ??
Violet Aeon > I jus lost my raven
Elanore Wansmore > me too
Violet Aeon > No, that was what I expected to come from your mouth "I jus lost my raven"
Violet Aeon > idk. I am trying to get ahead here. not fund you still. I can't afford this
Elanore Wansmore > idk wat to do then
Violet Aeon > stop doing crash?
Elanore Wansmore > (sigh)

Elanore Wansmore > hello?

Elanore Wansmore > Violet?

Violet Aeon > what?
Elanore Wansmore > I need some help
Violet Aeon > last time
Elanore Wansmore > i swear. anything
Violet Aeon > check wallet
Elanore Wansmore > there's nothing there
Violet Aeon > come get it
Elanore Wansmore > i can die in hi sec. and i am sort of messed up.
Violet Aeon > you want it. come get it. Fricoure. the cabin. signing out
Elanore Wansmore > (sigh)
Elanore Wansmore > k

Elanore Wansmore > Violet?

Elanore Wansmore > Vi?

Violet Aeon > I'm here
Elanore Wansmore > yu are really mad huh?
Violet Aeon > i get over it.
Elanore Wansmore > I made it to hi sec
Violet Aeon > how many jumps out?
Elanore Wansmore > 12
Violet Aeon > you are in a shuttle?
Elanore Wansmore > ya, I will fly fast. I should be ok
Violet Aeon > I am here. the weather is nice and the cabin is comfy.
Elanore Wansmore > see u in a few then
Violet Aeon > ok

Elanore Wansmore > I am sorry
Violet Aeon > I know.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

After a misshap yesterday Elanores null/hi/low/hi/null run for the drugs works

Sometimes Elanore's affection for crash gets in the way of responsible sensible thinking and action. She will say otherwise but at the same time she'll tell me she's going straight on the stuff.

She gets a bit scattered sometimes and when we were talking I could hear it in her voice. She was going to make a run for some crash and seriously, I know she wasn't thinking clearly. She was very short with me but obviously looking for support at the same time. So when she un docked I knew she hadn't prepped well with the route or anything. It was doomed to be a suicide run from the start. And when she left she didn't take a body with an empty head either. So when it happened she lost a couple implants as well. She said it was because she didn't put them into the right body from the start. But when you are in some form of withdraws you'll do irrational things like that.
The 1st run ended much like I'd feared it would. She didn't take the precautionary trajectories into that last gate and ended up in a bubble to her own demise.

I think after dying and finding yourself in a new body you get a clear head for a while. Or at least it subdues any withdraw you might feel in your body for a while. Because she said she was going to sleep. and would try again later.

I didn't hear from her for a day. When she awoke it was the 1st thing I saw was a message from her that she was going to try the run again. she seemed to have a plan together this time with a better thought out route. And a Minmitar shuttle this time for a speedy attempt.

I watched but said little. There's no dissuading Elanore when her mind is set on something. No matter how often I try to talk with her about these things. So again, I said little and just asked if she'd taken measures to think out a plan.

She had

I do appreciate the way that Frammasch Durin stepped up and offered her the morale of support he did during her run. I seriously had to leave channel and couldn't bring myself to watch this time. I feel bad, but I just couldn't do it.

thank you again Frammasch.

Well the null Hi sec run went well with an additional 4 systems added to the route in an effort to avoid the previous outcome. And she kept changing gate trajectories too. It was a successful run into Airaken. Phase 1 of the run successful.

Next was to find the best deal on the crash boosters. That which would take her through a few hi and low sec systems to end up in a pretty sketchy low sec with a number of enemies and other scoundrels who do nothing but offer low prices in the hopes of luring someone there so they could kill them.
She made it all the way. bought as much of the stuff she could afford and undocked then jetted back to Airaken. phase 2 of the trip a success.

Then it was back to null. Selecting the same route in reverse but changing the planet hop trajectories she made a successful if not stressful run back to dock up at null home. Concord wanted her in Hi sec, the marmites and others tried to lock her in hi and low sec, reddies from all walks were trying to do the same in low and null. Bubbles were barely missed, especially one, but it was indeed a success :)
I am relieved.
Maybe this read may not seem real exciting, unless you've been there done that of course! But it was nerves on edge for both of us until it was over. And all I ask is that she JC's safely back to hi sec for a while because I sometimes need to see her physically standing there to know that everything is really ok.

I think my hands were probably shaking in fear for her as much as hers were shaking for that and other reasons as well.
But right now I feel relieved, happy, and I can smile :)

here's a couple outtakes from the chat channel during the run:

Elanore Wansmore > clone updated :)
Chris Goh > 12 jumps
Elanore Wansmore > 16 jumps my route
Frammasch Durin > good luck then :)


Elanore Wansmore > putting plastic over the seat, plastic gloves on hands and takes helm in disgusting little ship. (FYI, Elanore hates Minmatar ships and finds them rusty, dirty, and disgusting :)


Elanore Wansmore > sooo many reddies!
Chris Goh > where?
Elanore Wansmore > 1 sys back :)
Chris Goh > "back"....that is always good...lol
Chris Goh > remember...planet 6
Elanore Wansmore > ?
Elanore Wansmore > sys?
Chris Goh > bounce planet 6 at bwf-zz
Elanore Wansmore > not in my route
Chris Goh > i see
Chris Goh > that's where they got you the last time
Elanore Wansmore > not going thru there :p
Chris Goh > see you folks later....o/
Frammasch Durin > \o
Elanore Wansmore > what? 5 jumps to go u leave me!

Elanore Wansmore > omg reds everywhere!
Elanore Wansmore > bubbles!
Elanore Wansmore > missed them
Frammasch Durin > if a gate is bubbled, it's game over for your ship, right?
Frammasch Durin > if there are reds on the bubble
Elanore Wansmore > if someone is watching them
Frammasch Durin > isnt that pretty risky?
Elanore Wansmore > yes :)
Frammasch Durin > I'd have used a covops instead :D
Frammasch Durin > or a 'ceptor
Elanore Wansmore > chancing dif trajectories into the gate in hopes to avoid them
Frammasch Durin > ok, you seem to be doing fine so far *thumbs up*
Elanore Wansmore > F***kin A right made it docked up safe!!!!!!
Elanore Wansmore > home
Frammasch Durin > sweet!
Frammasch Durin > well done!
Elanore Wansmore > yay :)


Sunday, March 16, 2014

I think it's time to get back into the Ganking game.

Hi. Enjoy this image of an asshat miner who intentionally switched from mining one set of asteroids to locking and mining the rocks I was on.
Yeah, what I said in the header applies.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

High sex vs Low sex ;)

Sometimes these things just write themselves :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Well I guess my counter offer for my body was rejected. LOL

In case you been following the posts concerning one pilot named kalfer Araske. and things concerning that where he and his friend Huft or Luft or huff or something I can't remember right now. They killed me. HAHAHAHA. I think they must have thought it was the only time I ever died because they (Kalfer), decided to try to contract me my own body, The frozen type that I and Violet collect to hang in our hangars to let us know when we pulled our ship in far enough so we don't hit the wall. yeah, those kind. my corpse.
Well, his contract came later in the day on the SAME day that I died 5 times! lol And he wanted to contract it to me for 10 mil!
That's like going to the store where there are a thousand apples all the same for one small price and trying to sell the customer a certain one for I don't know, say, 10 mil more than the others are worth!

So We, a couple of corp mates and myself, while laughing profusely came up with a Jita style scheme that I would counter offer to buy my dead flesh back for 8 mil instead. Good deal rite?
Well it didn't work, which is fine. And I didn't relly expect it to but I am glad he did see it to reject it. We jus thot that I might as well make it worth my while if I am going to pay millions for something that is not exactly a rare item in New Eden.
So the counter offer included a few extra items

He would get:
A-8 mil
B-exotic dancers, male
C-a Fedo* [For those of you who don't know what this is see the bottom of this post for a description. it's a real LOL!]

I would get:
A-Corpse, female [mine of course]
B-30 day pilots license extension (PLEX)

Good deal rite? how could anyone reject such a wonderful package! screaming deal!

Well not trying to immortalize a situation or event or anything. But the whole thing has provided a good amount of fodder and laughs for us.


Anyhoo. It was rejected. I hope he enjoys my body. Eww, I'm not even going to think about that one. wow.

*Fedo: The Fedo is an omnivorous, sponge-like creature. It has reddish skin and numerous small claw-like tentacles which it uses to move around and protect itself. A primitive being, the Fedo's method of eating and absorbing nutrition is slow and inefficient. This means that food stays for a long time in the Fedo's body, and will most often have rotted or turned foul before the animal passes it out of its system. The Fedos eject fumes from their body which, for the reasons explained above, have a most horrible odor. The Fedos possess a fantastic sense of smell and so use these fumes to communicate with each other; they are however both blind and deaf, having no eyes or ears. The mouth is located on the underside of the beast, and the Fedo feeds by positioning itself over the food and lowering itself down on it.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Drugs, Jita, Elanore, and a record death

So Elanore dilly dallied around Jita too long this morning after loading up her shuttle with a bunch of Crash and Crash booster. She should have tried it 3 hrs earlier but died not more than 15 seconds out of station.
Sometimes I am concerned about this Crash affection she has. But I am not going to say anything. She needs to get back to null tho in one piece so tomorrow I will gather up some more boosters and Crash and deliver them to her for her null run. At least that will get her past the hi sec marmites.
I will admit tho. I think this was the most picturesque of her deaths yet.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My guess is this...

Jack Sorion is prolly one of two things. Either a little man with no real world experience yet. Or, and most likely. He's a 50-ish fat plumber with brown teeth and drool on his Chin at all times. His shirt sleeve has nasty week old stains on it from constantly wiping that same drool from his mouth so he can save it for later. He has an enormous beer belly and his ass crack hangs out so far the women that do come in contact with him are so disgusted by his presence that after they fakely smile to him, (which he perceives as real), they laugh with their friends about him in another room. After they go puke of course.
If he does have a girlfriend most likely she is blind, deaf, and has no sense of smell. Most likely tho she used to be inflatable. But she isn't any more so he just cut a slit in her back and fills her up with dirty clothes and yellow stained socks.

just saying...

Have a great day!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thankyou New Eden ! and Even you Jita! heehee

We want to let you know that we really appreciate that you would take the time to look at our little spot here. We so thoroughly enjoy flying around New Eden stirring up a little mischief, finding a bit of mayhem, making friends, bickering a little now and then ;),seeking out what adventures we can and yes, amazed at what situations we always seem to find ourselves in.
I know we've said it before but Thank you for making New Eden such the awesome place it is to be a little part of.!!!

lets go.....<----That way!---->

See you in space!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Meanwhile in Hek...

It might have been in Kalfer Araske's best interest to look a little closer at the lady in the red dress and long flowing dark wig before picking her up at that Bar in Hek system. He might have realized it was her Raven he had shot up not a few cycles earlier. Elanore is not known to be very forgiving sometimes.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Look at all the oil slicks around this gate!...

...There must have been a LOT of Minmatar ship going thru here.