So someone asked me today if that was a tattoo on my back. :) ?
But it got me to thinking as I stood there at the ships viewing window, getting ready to jump yet another leg of a lengthy destination, (because everyone just hangs out in their underwear while on lengthy journeys through space. right? ), that not everyone even knows those are the implant slots.
And THAT is about as educational as this blog is ever likely to get.
Hint, know your body folks. lol
P.S. [urgent informational safety update]
By no means do I advocate standing like this for a jump. Nope. Another lesson learned by hard knocks. ...
I was advised otherwise,
Elfi Wolfe > implants yes that is your pod connections. when you are in a pod.
I'm smarter now. lol.
yeah, I'm back to the original implants thought. have done some research and video viewing so that's where I am on this until someone shows me some definitive proof otherwise :)