Hello New Eden

Thanks for stopping by, This blog is Eve online as seen through the eyes of characters Violet Aeon and Elanore Wansmore. If this is not your thing please drive thru ;) if you like character driven storylines then please stay!
If you found your way here because you are already in New Eden then fly safe o7.
If you found your way here because you have an interest in Eve online then thats cool too! If to join all that Eve has to offer then you didn't come to the right place ;)
But check out the link below my profile pic and it'll take you there. See you in space!

P.S. If you click my name on the header above it will take you to the most recent post if you are not already on the home page.

I collect Frozen Corpses
Hit me up New Eden. lets talk.
Saving New Eden from a Zombie Apocalypse one frozen corpse at a time.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Micha Diavolo, For your termination of Elanore Wansmore ...

> Bounty payment
Sent: 2013.08.25 15:27

Micha Diavolo, For your termination of Elanore Wansmore we have paid you 86,284.64 ISK from their bounty pool.

well this was fun little gank testing. not really fitted well, or with the right ship, mindset, weapons,etc etc ;)

But we had a janitor to help cleanup the mess.

UPDATE (new intel) 9/21/2013

I was just saying I wish I'd kept a better log of the events leading up to this.

Somehow Zander seems to have some intel on the event. Here's what he had to say:

Zander Ambramotte > "holy shit.... OMG.... holy shit you're bleeding alot..... OMG what are we gonna do? ..... holy shit I cna't believe i shot you...." isnt as descriptive as you thought eh? :P
