I have been wanting for a long time to start a thread on enhancing and getting the most out of your profile pic in the EVE character creator, or the 'salon' as I like to call it :) In actuality it is a very comprehensive combination of services which are more akin to a day at the mall to give yourself subtle or complete makeovers. Then when u are all done with that you get to go to the photography studio. And is a lot of fun :)
Your profile pic is an important tool in showing who you are in EVE so I like to change it up pretty frequently because I think it helps to not just portray who u are, but what your current mood is, etc etc. There are things you can do without a re-sculpt or anything invasive like that to showcase your assets or even help to enhance or minimize things about yourself which by doing very small changes you can make flattering. Such as like , well, I am sort of ,um, "fluffy", so certain clothes may be more flattering to my figure than others. sometimes it can be as simple as a slight turn of your body, or one pose vs another, or even the lighting which can enhance rather than detract from your look. A combination of wardrobe, lighting, poses, makeup, hairstyles, and everything available to you can make a big difference in projecting who you are. And each when used in combination with each other can make a very big difference in your look.
I can go on and on but with this 1st installment I will discuss basic lighting.
Here are 3 pics I have taken before finalizing my portrait. In each I have sat in the exact same pose and did not change my facial expression either. But as you can see how by simply changing the lighting without doing anything else how much difference it can make.
(If you click on the pics to enlarge to full size you can better see the differences)
In this 1st one I think I look a little puffy. and the light seems a bit flooding and doesn't show definition very well.
This one I think accents my features a bit, is more flattering also in that it is not quite so harsh while still very even lighting and not hiding anything. I think this is my favorite of the 3
This one has a definite slimming effect due to the direction of the light and adds a sort of mysterious quality to my pic. Though the harsh shadows might be a bit distracting. although I do like using this one sometimes. especially as you turn your body or head a little bit it can really be a very diverse setting. Something we will get into later in more detail in this thread.
So play with the lighting, very subtle changes in the light itself can make a big difference. The position in your pose or the tilt of your head, in relation to the lights direction, can also alter your look even with the same lighting setup, and remember this, Lighting is not just about the light. It is about the shadows created by the light as well so keep that in mind. all these things work in conjunction with each other to achieve your look. Have fun!