Hello New Eden

Thanks for stopping by, This blog is Eve online as seen through the eyes of characters Violet Aeon and Elanore Wansmore. If this is not your thing please drive thru ;) if you like character driven storylines then please stay!
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I collect Frozen Corpses
Hit me up New Eden. lets talk.
Saving New Eden from a Zombie Apocalypse one frozen corpse at a time.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Successful Narcotics run

So I am going to keep this short an sweet because I jus ran a long way with a lot of narcotics an I am worn, frazzled, stressed, and laid back now all at the same time.
I don't hav a lot of isk to blow, lol, jus thot of that. Crash=blow, well you know.. maybe :)
But I jus made an awesome Run with a bunch of the stuff!
So I found a bunch of Crash booster on the Cheap!!!!I found a system with cheap drugs but I needed to jump over a hi sec system to get back in route. otherwise my route of jus 2 systems to the station I was collecting it in for the run became like 50 jumps.
No wonder it was so cheap. it was an isolated low sec system where I had to go thru that Hi sec sys with all the customs and such looking for people like me.
I made a couple test runs across system with just a couple units each time. I made it both times but each time I jumped back I noticed there were more customs ships at the gate. I think I must have flagged them or something. or I was a bit too fast to actually get caught. speedy fingers on the helm :) go figure right?

Anyway, So I figured I had better jus go for the gusto and loaded the estimated 53 mil of stuff into the ship and went for it.
That went well I made it to my collection station an proceeded to load the balance of wat I had alreddy brought over into the ship. A cloaky Manticore which I named Ela's Underworld :)
So with an estimated 74.6 mil in narcotics in the ship I made the Low/Null trek back to the station where I would set up shop.
I got bubbled real bad early on but got thru that. then a few systems later there was a couple neuts who I recognized from the trip up hanging at each side of one gate. I think they didn't like missing me again so it seemed they chased me a couple systems before I was able to give them the slip. Yep, I removed my slip, and tossed it out of the ship an it landed on one of their windshields and they lost sight of me momentarily . hahaha
The rest of the journey was fairly unexciting other than for my shaking hands but I bounced planets and stuff and made the gates, cloaking as much as possible until I arrived in station.
I made it \o/ YAY I Made it!!! :)

ok well sorry for the sort of skewed posting. I hope it is comprehs....um....understandable. I am tired and I need to hit the bed. and I am ....not...going to....sample......

Nite Nite