Hello New Eden

Thanks for stopping by, This blog is Eve online as seen through the eyes of characters Violet Aeon and Elanore Wansmore. If this is not your thing please drive thru ;) if you like character driven storylines then please stay!
If you found your way here because you are already in New Eden then fly safe o7.
If you found your way here because you have an interest in Eve online then thats cool too! If to join all that Eve has to offer then you didn't come to the right place ;)
But check out the link below my profile pic and it'll take you there. See you in space!

P.S. If you click my name on the header above it will take you to the most recent post if you are not already on the home page.

I collect Frozen Corpses
Hit me up New Eden. lets talk.
Saving New Eden from a Zombie Apocalypse one frozen corpse at a time.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hmmmph. Who is this Elanore you speak of?

Elanore Wansmore > yu better talk to me Vi
Violet Aeon > talk to the hand unknown person
Elanore Wansmore > this is not helping at all Vi
Violet Aeon > Is there a fly in here? something keeps buzzing my ear.
Elanore Wansmore > ....
Elanore Wansmore (crys)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

saved by a fleet Angel

I was seriously saved last night by a fleeted angel who saw I must have fell asleep at the ded site last night. because even tho I was at 9% hull I was somehow magically safely at the tower wen I woke up.

Sophia Akiga > Elanore Wansmore o/
Elanore Wansmore > someone warped me back to the tower
Sophia Akiga > When?
Sophia Akiga > Actually
Elanore Wansmore > probably when I crashed out at the ded
Sophia Akiga > I might have been too
Elanore Wansmore > seriously I should have nvr even startd flying last night. i was already beat and buzzed
Elanore Wansmore > i need repped badly hull is at about 15%
Sophia Akiga > Rested now?
Elanore Wansmore > yeah
Sophia Akiga > Oh.
Sophia Akiga > No reppers with me I'm afraid
Elanore Wansmore > k i am going to hit donkey 1st then
Sophia Akiga > I can scout
Sophia Akiga > Check the gates
Elanore Wansmore > ok thx

Elanore Wansmore > safely docked up
Elanore Wansmore > wow I was at only 9% hull. someone saved my ass
Sophia Akiga > Yep
Elanore Wansmore > i am going to do a very thankful post of my intact ass
Elanore Wansmore > it must have been Chris. I think he was fleet leader
Elanore Wansmore > wen I woke up my heart jumped and i could have hit the ceiling and held onto it like with a cats claws I felt immediately like I was going to be dead
Sophia Akiga > O.o
Elanore Wansmore > i agree
Elanore Wansmore > 0.o <--with that Sophia Akiga > Are you repped up?
Elanore Wansmore > yes. give me ten mins tho plz
Sophia Akiga > Just checking

MORAL: never go pubbing and expect to hold your own in space afterward. and I once again owe my ass to someone


The angels come forward!

Elanore Wansmore > last night is not only a blur it is a blackness
Raine Arnoux > Elanore Wansmore We were rattign and anom u and I
Raine Arnoux > and you fell asleep at teh helm
Elanore Wansmore > i know. I freaked out when I woke aft shutdown
Raine Arnoux > Had to get jenn out of miining into a fast ship get to you and warp out. I finished teh anom after
Elanore Wansmore > and I give much thanks for that
Jennette Ambraelle > <3 Elanore Wansmore > i seriously had a panic attack when I woke up and saw the shutdown window

SENDs bouquets to Jenn and Raine.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Well we thought he was dead. Could have been wrong.

Elanore Wansmore > Lajoeey \o
Elanore Wansmore > have we met?
Violet Aeon > his forehead is laying on the keyboard.
Elanore Wansmore > yeah
Violet Aeon > where did he come from?
Elanore Wansmore > I don't know. He was just here when I got here.
Violet Aeon > poke him with a stick and see if he stirs
Elanore Wansmore > um, no, you do it
Violet Aeon > you are the risk taker you do it.
Elanore Wansmore > what if he's meen?
Violet Aeon > well then u have a stick to whack him with.
Elanore Wansmore > .............
Elanore Wansmore > he isn't responding maybe he's dead.
Violet Aeon > well thats pretty eww. should we just drag him out and leave him in the station concourse before he smells?
Elanore Wansmore > i think so.
Elanore Wansmore > omg this dude is dead weight!
Violet Aeon > here tie this belt around his neck, we can both pull that way.
Violet Aeon > ...
Violet Aeon > ok there.
Elanore Wansmore > wat if the station rats get him before security finds him?
Violet Aeon > not our problem now. shut the door and come back inside.
Elanore Wansmore > k, sounds good.
Elanore Wansmore > do you have wine?
Violet Aeon > ya

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We are Leaving a bloody trail of dead rats in both Null and Hi sec

some of those rats can be pretty pesky

Ravens are so sexy

Monday, February 17, 2014


But seriously, just take a few steps back please.

I feel better now. laying back in Jita with Violet for a spell

Friday, February 14, 2014

I feel like just giving myself up to the Biomass

I am not happy with myself right now and I think someone is mad at me. And I was doing so well. And now I lost a Raven I was trusted with. And I didn't save the fit so I could put another one together, And I feel like rage quitting to the biomass.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sorry about the bubbles...

sorry about the bubble but I got tired of trying to find the trajectory.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Violet Aeon, Eve Online, profile image info

one for the web searches and to add other info for whatever I feel like :)


Elanore Wansmore, Eve online, profile Image info

one for the web searches and to add other info for whatever I feel like :)


Saturday, February 8, 2014

A bunch of us from Nightwing were out Ratting today in Null sec

I took lots of pics. here's one I wil add more later. today.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I guess they do not like me :p ~Elanore

Well this throws a curve to my jumping to null sec rite now

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

There are some real wimps in Dodixie today

I mean seriously. Is this what Marmites are? wow, I was only in A Velator and it took these guys for-ever to kill me. Even took a bunch shots for them to kill my pod!
Wow, inadequacies abound. Bet they drive monster ships to make up for that!

Well, hopefullee some one will come along who I can appreciate with a good death.


Oh, and that eye thing? yea, I am not relly sur. I think it's getting better

23 frozen corpses Gifted!

Thankyou Amianne for thinking of me!


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Frozen corpses are ish-clothed now? :p

Elanore undocked and let some Marmite shoot her dead on purpose to see this anomaly.

OK!!! the second death today was much better!
Look at me I am flying!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014